Video of San Francisco May Day protest

On May Day in San Francisco, thousands converged at a rally to celebrate the international communist holiday and to protest Arizona's new immigration law.  With raucous protests culminating in violence, left-wing protestors have provided us with a "teachable moment," as revealed by the shocking video that shows us what the main stream media went out of its way to ignore.

A small group of counter-protestors attended the rally, with attendees including members of the Golden Gate Minutemen, a couple of Tea Party groups, and the SF Bay 912 Group.  It was these counter-protestors who made the video and circulated it among the local Tea Party networks. 

Footage includes leftists shouting angrily into the camera, "racists go home!"  These chants were accompanied with an assortment of obscenities and threatening behavior.  May Day activists can be seen wielding Che Guevara pictures, signs depicting Arizona Governor Jan Brewer as Adolph Hitler, and red communist flags with the hammer and sickle. 

At the close of the rally, the peaceful counter-protestors were escorted by San Francisco Police to their respective sources of transportation at a parking garage and the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station.  The police did this in order to keep the Minutemen and Tea Partiers safe from compassionate, tolerant liberal protestors - who idolize mass murderers like Che Guevara. 

Unfortunately, after the police left them at the BART station, three counter-protestors were violently attacked by May Day activists who had followed them there.  Shouting "racist," the attackers sprayed their three victims with mace, beat them up, and stole some property from them. 

Two suspects, Kelsey Musgrove and Donnell Allen, were caught, arrested and charged with felony counts of assault with a deadly weapon, robbery and conspiracy.  Kelsey's liberal defense attorney is attempting to portray her as a victim.

These left wing activists did everything that the main stream media tries to accuse Tea Party members of doing: they were savage and race oriented, they carried swastikas, they had signs depicting their political foe (Governor Brewer) as Hitler, and they were violent.  Had it not been for the video provided by the Minutemen, few people would have seen or heard any of these things that were ignored by the liberal media. 

Is this an example of tolerance, love and compassion? 

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