Another race card played - Obama can't afford to be the 'angry black man'

I cannot even begin to count the ways that this is wrong, ridiculous and inappropriate.

First off:

"During a news conference last summer, Obama casually said that police acted "stupidly" when they arrested Harvard professor Henry Louis "Skip" Gates in his home for disorderly conduct after a confrontation with a white police officer.

Obama's comments infuriated many white people, and even some black supporters. Obama had to have a Beer Summit to calm the public uproar.

"He flashed genuine anger," says Ambar. "At that moment, when he touched on the issue of race, he spoke frankly and passionately about what he felt and it got him into a big deal of trouble."

What? People were not reacting to his ‘anger'. They were reacting to the sheer disappointment of what was supposed to be the first ‘post racial President' setting race retaliations back in time. They were disappointed that the highest elected official in the land, an elected black man, who had a golden opportunity to truly transcend race, jumped to a conclusion based upon race, and drove a spike further down the middle of race relations.


"Our commander in chief has many burdens, and among them is our history and culture," Baick says. "Compared to the weight of that, the current BP crisis and the years of environmental damage and cleanup must seem transient."

WE elected him President of the United States. How is that a burden exactly?

I am now convinced. The left is:

a) Obsessesed with race
b) FAR more damaging to race relations in this country than the small minority of people who are actually racist

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