Ayers, Dorhn helped organize 'peace' flotilla

It's not like these people don't have enough blood on their hands already:

Former Weather Underground leaders William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, as well as Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, helped organize the Free Gaza Movement, which launched the six-ship flotilla from Turkey to Israel that ended in a violent clash with Israeli Defense Forces, BigGovernment.com reported.

In January, the trio were spotted in Egypt attempting to stir up crowds on the streets with 1,400 other left-wing activists after the Egyptian government refused to allow Free Gaza Movement members to enter the Gaza Strip. About 100 marchers were eventually allowed to cross the border, where they were met by former Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh.

BigGovernment quotes author Philip Weiss, who wrote that he witnessed Ayers and Dohrn arguing with fellow activists over whether to accept Egypt's offer to allow a small number of them into Gaza:

"Dohrn said that the principle of ‘All or none' was a miserable one for activist politics. You always took what you could get and kept fighting for more. A European man in a red keffiyeh screamed at her that she was serving the fascisti. Her partner Bill Ayers gently confronted him and asked him why he was so out of control. Between getting on and off the bus, Dohrn, who wore a flower in her hair, said that she didn't like the absolutist certainty of the people on the other side of the police barricades, and having been in the Weather Underground, she knew something about absolutist feeling."

As political theater, an argument between the aging flower child/domestic terrorist and a fellow traveler over who knew more about "absolutist feelings" would be hard to top.

We should have known. The techniques used by violent radicals in the 1960's are perfectly suited to this kind of war that Hamas is fighting against Israel. No doubt Ayers and Dorhn were able to school their less experienced colleagues in the art of violent propaganda.

I wonder what Obama would say if some intrepid reporter would ask about the doings of his friend?


Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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