Caught on Tape - White Police Officer Punching Black Woman Resisting Arrest

This terrible incident took place in Seattle Martin Luther King Jr. Way (how ironic). Two black women are verbally and physically abusing a white police officer. Notice that no one else is doing anything except holding up cell phones to record it, welcome to today's America.

I side with the policeman on this one, the women had no business putting their hands on the police officer, and its clear they are the ones who initiated the contact.
Seattle Urban League CEO James Kelly says the punch was an overreaction that brought to mind a video taken April 17 of two Seattle officers seen kicking a Hispanic suspect.  

The Seattle Police Officers' Guild is defending Metz, saying, if he made any mistake, it was in waiting to use force. "He did nothing wrong," insists the Guild's Rich O'Neill. "I think he was trying to defuse the situation and calm people down." His reaction is what the officers are trained to do.
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