Hamas Helen and Hearst

Our gal Helen's anti-Israeli remarks were not her only signs of support for the Palestinian terrorists. She actively raised money for those who funded the Gaza flotilla:

Helen Thomas, the Hearst Newspaper columnist under fire for her remarks last week urging Jews to "get the hell out of" Israel and "go back to Germany," headlined a fundraiser for the terrorist support group Code Pink in the Fall of 2006.

Photos posted by Code Pink show Thomas receiving the group's "Badge of Courage" at a fundraiser held at a Washington, D.C. restaurant on October 28, 2006.

Code Pink is a leader of the so-called Gaza Freedom Movement, the group behind the terror flotilla trying to break the blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Code Pink has led other efforts to weaken the blockade of the terrorist haven and has acted as a go-between from Hamas to Barack Obama.

Hamas guaranteed Code Pink's safety during the group's last trip to Gaza six months ago.

Contacted at the time of the Code Pink fundraiser, a spokesman for Hearst's D.C. bureau said that as a columnist Thomas was free to raise money for Code Pink. Hearst wasn't bothered that Code Pink had a history of supporting the terrorists in Iraq with cash and humanitarian aid.

Thomas Lifson adds:

Helen Thomas has exposed herself as a religious bigot of the worst kind. Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary who sued to field questions from her wrote in an email to Huffington Post (via Newsbusters):

"She should lose her job over this," Fleischer said in an email. "As someone who is Jewish, and as someone who worked with her and used to like her, I find this appalling."

"She is advocating religious cleansing. How can Hearst stand by her? If a journalist, or a columnist, said the same thing about blacks or Hispanics, they would already have lost their jobs."

Lucianne Goldberg notes that the White House press corps could pull her credentials anytime.

Tim Graham of Newsbusters writes:

Thomas knows that she could never say the blacks should go back to Africa or the Hispanics should go back to Mexico, she would ruin her over-celebrated reputation as the "dean" of the White House press corps

We shall see if Jew-hatred is acceptable behavior in the eyes of Hearst and the WH press corps, and Thomas is still allowed her place of honor tomorrow.
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