How to fight the next Gaza bound flotilla

Apart from being the diversion by Iran to finish the bomb, the flotillas against Israel are essentially propaganda tools to discredit Israel and the Jewish people. Islamic propaganda kamikazes or kamikaze protesters, as Caroline Glick calls them, are willing to kill and die for jihad and to blacken the Jews in the eyes of the gullible West in the process. The right way to fight the flotilla in addition to stopping it with military means is to turn the tables on the jihadists and expose to the world what these people believe in and what they are fighting for.

This can be done by printing thousands of leaflets and making a few huge posters with quotations from the Hamas Charter. For instance:

Article 7 : 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,'

Article 14 There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by jihad.

These leaflets can be dropped on the ships before the interception takes place and posters appended to the side of the ships in full view of any video taken by international media.

If this is done there it is almost certain that the essential message of what the Hamas members believe in will finally reach the TV audiences around the world.

Article 7 and Article 14 will clearly be seen on the side of the flotilla ships. People will ask what is written on the thousands of leaflets.

The target of these leaflets is not the Islamic propaganda kamikaze but the world at large which is almost totally ignorant what Hamas stands for.

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