Options to plug the BP oil spill available, but Obama ignores them


-Natural oil eating bacteria was successfully used to clean up the ocean and shores after the Exxon Valdez accident. To date, the company which produces up to 200,000 gallons a day of the oil eating bacteria has not had their phone calls returned by Obama's White House or BP.

-Kevin Costner has a small fleet of oil cleaning centrifuges at the ready. This device actually recovers lost oil. Again, Obama's White House is dithering and BP will not return Costner's appeals. Costner testified in front of Congress that he was ready to help on day one of the spill over 50 days ago.

-The Dutch government offered to help with the spill on day one. Obama and BP told them "no thanks" over 50 days ago. The Dutch have fleets of oil recovery barges and sand berm protection floats at the ready. Over 50 days of dithering.

-BP's first attempted fix was to drop a 4 story tall steel & concrete box on the leak. The siphon on the top of the box froze and would not take up the oil. Okay...so??? How bout leaving the damn 4 story concrete box on top of the leaking pipes?

-A 1920 maritime law prevents the US Navy from deploying any assistance to the scene. Obama could wave this relic law of the sea and use the Navy's expertise in deep waters. Obama will not waive the law. Why not? If Ted Kennedy can call in the US Navy to find JFK Jr's downed airplane, how come Obama cannot call in the Navy? What is stopping him?

-Governor Jindal has been begging Obama for supplies to shield his state's beaches. Over 50 days after the request Obama is still dithering.

-Obama declared a State of Emergency for the non-existent threat of Swine Flu. Governor Jindal declared a State of Emergency...how come Obama has not?

These are but a few of the many things Obama could be doing. Instead, he is looking for someone's "ass to kick" and feigning anger.

During the Iraq War, President Bush sent in Red Adair's oil capping company into Kuwait. Red Adair's private company capped 628 sabotaged, booby-trapped, and blown up burning rigs in less than 9 months.

Obama has capped exactly 0 oil wells in almost 2 months.

How's that government boot on the throat of BP working out for ya?

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