Selective outrage against 'oppressed' minorities

Proving that soft hearted, soft brained liberals, the UN, Europe, Turkey and alas, even the US aren't really worried about the self inflicted problems of the inhabitants of Gaza but have other, dark motives in condemning Israel's defensive attack on the fascist flotilla is this AP report about Turkey's continued offensive attacks against the oppressed minority that wants an independent state on Turkey's border. Yes, a few days ago the Turks killed another four Kurds while bombarding a Kurdish stronghold in Iraq against people who merely want an independent state of their own in land partially occupied by...Turkey. In the past 26 years, the fight for Kurdistan has cost at least 40,000 lives.

Meanwhile, in Armenia and northern Cyprus the Turkish occupation and siege continue. And not a word about all of this from soft hearted, soft brained liberals, the UN, Europe, Turkey and alas, even the US.

I guess the oppressed and the oppressors don't matter.

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