Supporting open borders is supporting sweat shops in the US

We all know part of the immigration debate is that the illegals work for below the regular wage rate. What the people who defend illegal immigration are saying is how important this is to the economy. How important it is that they do the work Americans "won't" do (which is misleading at best).

What these supporters are really saying is that it is OK to have sweatshops in the United States. That it is OK to have groups of 10 to 20 people living in substandard conditions. That here in America we need to have people locked up in rooms at sewing machines for 12 to 16 hours a day with no breaks for the restroom or food. They are supporting cargo containers coming in filled with people to be used as indentured labor and forced prostitution.

No wonder these groups supporting illegal immigration are aligned with communist and radical groups. People have no value to them. These groups have no real interest in the conditions of the illegal workers; they simply want their cut of the money. No one on either side seems to even acknowledge what's truly going on.

I refuse to accept the argument that we need this kind of labor going on in America just so rich people and corrupted corporations don't have to pay so much for shoes and vegetables, or so they don't have to push lawnmowers or dig holes. Which also means a loss of both streams of tax revenue and income, God knows the government loves that tax flow.

Not only does this belittle the American people, it turns the illegals into something regarded as less than human.

When I hear these people saying that we need illegal immigration, I see the America I love swirling around in a filthy toilet on the way to the sewer. That is my true visualization of this sector of labor activity going on inside my own country. It is bad enough that so much of what we have is made in sweatshops in other countries, then to be ok with it inside of our own borders? No, I for one am not ok with that at all.

Legalizing the illegals we have now will only lead to an influx of new illegals to fill positions left behind those able to leave the cruddy jobs.

Americas' law enforcement needs to enforce the laws. Stop catering to the Mexican government and others. Stop helping Mexico with their greed and inability/unwillingness to provide for their own people, yet have no trouble of doing so at our expense. Go after businesses that hire illegals.

Legalizing the illegals we have now will only lead to an influx of new illegals to fill positions left behind those able to leave the cruddy jobs.

Stop catering to the Mexican government and others. Stop helping them with their greed and inability to provide for their own people at our expense. Go after businesses that hire illegals.

Tom Carsley

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