The liberal blinders lift on Obama

There is a lot moaning, groaning, and gnashing of teeth coming from the lefties these days. They are battering Barack Obama like a piñata; but  just a few months ago they proclaimed him to be the Messiah, a Savior, a combination of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King, a sort of god, and even, according to Chris Matthews, "...the last Kennedy brother." (Why Matthews thinks this is a compliment is mystery to me, but there you have it.)

This is mostly just about the oil spill, but at least the scales seem to be falling from their adoring eyes.

They are stunned to learn that the man they told us would heal the world, end all wars, restore America's image in the world, unify us as a kind of Disneyland where the meerkats, hyenas, lions, monkeys, and crocodiles would all live side by side in harmony singing "It's a small world after all" is in reality just another average, run of the mill political hack who doesn't know his "you know what" from a hole in the ground.

Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Howard Fineman, James Carville, and Maureen Dowd simply cannot believe the incompetence of the man they once deified.

I have a question for you people. There are those of us who questioned and criticized Obama in the past, and we were routinely characterized as Nazis, racists, rednecks, and worse; now that you enlightened people are joining the chorus, does that make you Nazis, racists, rednecks, etc? If not, why not? Please defend yourselves, preferably in writing, and be specific in your answers.

I also have a suggestion; buck up and brace your selves. He has two and a half years left to screw more things up to a royal fare thee well.

Things are likely to get a whole lot worse.
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