The man who blames Bush for everything urges grads...not to blame others

Incredible.  Barack Obama has done it again, turned the office of the presidency into a forum for lies. 

Monday, speaking to high school graduates, The Finger Pointer-in-Chief dropped jaws across the nation, claiming the high road with regard to excuse-making.  

To wit

"My second piece of advice-don't make excuses.  Take responsibility not just for your successes, take responsibility when you fall short, as well.  The truth is, no matter how hard you work, you won't necessarily ace every class or succeed in every job.  There will be times when you screw up, when you hurt people you love, when you stray from your most deeply held values. 

"And when that happens, it's the easiest thing in the world to start looking around for someone to blame.  Your professor was too hard, your boss was a jerk, the coach was playing favorites.... It's an easy habit to get into.  You see it every day in Washington, folks calling each other names, making all kinds of accusations.  Everyone's always pointing the finger at someone else."

True, very true; but who sets the bar?  Who's the Chief Pointer?  As always, it takes one to know one, and this is the "pot calling the kettle black."  Funny how a record-sealer knows about grades.  These students' marks will be seen by employers, if in fact they seek work.  

The president, meanwhile, is the poster boy of hypocrisy.  The deficit?  Bush.  Foreclosures?  "Fat bankers."  The Gulf leak?  Big oil.  

Everyone but Obama bears the cross for his "vision," but the truth is: he's hurting these grads.  Obama, they'll learn, talks a good game, but it's a game without joy.  Debt defines the next chapter of their lives, and for this end there is no excuse. 


Greg Halvorson is the founder of Soldiers Without Boots, and hosts Freedom Warrior Radio on Blog Talk Radio.


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