'What we have here....is failure to communicate.'

Well, President Obama finally had a talk with BP CEO Tony Hayward. It only took 53 days...nearly two months, the time it takes most men to save up for an engagement ring. But Barack Obama is not most men, and the only ring the country is concerned with is the one that continues to grow around our gulf states at a rate of 60,000 barrels a day - that's 20,000 barrels more than BP's previously revised number, which was another 20,000 barrels senior to it's predecessor, and so ad infinitum. With the initial estimates at a "mere" 1,000 barrels a day, the estimated size of this spill is growing so quickly that in a month's time, we'll be told that it is larger than the Atlantic and Pacific combined.

Perhaps that bit of sensationalism would move the president from the golf links...or at least set his swing off a bit. Anything is better than seeing our president pander to Spike Lee in a forced performance that not only sullied the office of the president, but possibly qualified "Cool Hand Barack" for a Razzie.

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