Charlie Rangel eats bus rubber

As a natural born conservative I still must admit I have a soft spot for Charlie Rangel.

Oh, I know he is a rascal. But he is more of a lovable rascal type. Why are the Democrats throwing Rangel under the bus?

Why did they throw Jim Trafficant under the bus? (I wished we could have beamed him up.)

Oh sure, Rangel has called "tax cuts" code words for racism. (But we all know that is just Democrat talking point clap trap, after all.)

Oh sure, Rangel has not paid his taxes. I am sure we only know half the scurrilous activity undertaken by Charlie Rangel. But I still like him.

Are his tax problems any worse than Tim Geithner's? Are his beach property scams any worse than Harry Reid's property scams, or Chris Dodd's cottage industry, or Nancy Pelosi directing war funds to her husband's shell companies?

No, they are not. So why are the Democrats throwing Charlie Rangel under the bus and not others? Could it be that like Deval Patrick, Harold Ford, and Shirley Sherrod that Rangel is expendable?

Do the Democrats take blacks that much for granted that they toss those who are guilty of lesser crimes and misdemeanors under the bus?

If Rangel has to eat bus rubber, then Pelosi, Reid, and Dodd should face similar adjudication. It is only fair and it is only equal treatment before the law.

Besides, Charlie Rangel may be a rascal, but he is a lovable rascal after all.

Free Charlie!

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