Chelsea for President? Impossible? Think Again

Two nights ago, I had one of those half conscious dreams as I was drifting off to sleep. The thought and vision of Chelsea Clinton appeared in my mind's eye, and I said to myself, "She has been molded from birth in the ways of progressives. I bet she's being primed to become president someday."

Then, Jeff Kuhner, columnist and media commentator, sitting in for Michael Savage last night, said practically the same thing when he played a tape of The Godfather movie, and put his own words into the script. Something like, "Hillary, there was no time to make you President, maybe there's time for Chelsea."

Kuhner talked about one gangster family, the Clintons, marrying into another gangster family, the Mezvinskys. Marc Mezvinsky, Chelsea's new husband as of today, has a felon for a father, "Crazy Eddie." Chelsea used to work for a George Soros hedge fund, and Marc currently works at G3 Capital, a Manhattan hedge fund operation.

A new chapter in dynasty control of a nation has revealed the not-so-strange bedfellows of a Soros-Clinton-Mezvinsky coalition. Hedge fund trading tops the list of ways to "get over" by the rich, elite and infamous, and people like Soros, who should have been in jail a long time ago, continue to weave their web of deceit to cheat honest, hard working people.

All over the internet, progressive websites are touting the new "Royal Couple" as though everything's glorious because love is in the air. They may talk in pretty language, but this is not a royal wedding, this is a criminal enterprise gaining traction.

Thus, in the name of what's good for the country, the possibility of Chelsea Clinton becoming president someday has to remain in the realm of mere possibility; it can never become a reality.
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