Graph of the Day for July 23, 2010

"I find that I am fascinated by his intelligence, by his dedication. The only thing that frustrates me about Robert Mugabe is that he is so damned incorruptible." Andrew Young, Jimmy Carter's ambassador to the United Nations, on Robert Mugabe, in 1978.

"Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has given a stern warning to white farmers that his government will stick to its policy of removing them from their land. ‘We set ourselves an August deadline for the redistribution of land and that deadline stands,' he said in a keynote speech, the first since an eviction order for thousands of white farmers came into effect late last week."  BBC, August 12, 2002.

"Robert Mugabe closes in on last white farmers" 
UK Times, January 31, 2010

Zimbabwe's Gross Domestic Product

Source:  WolframAlpha.

Hoven's Index for July 23, 2010

Various Zimbabwe statistics for 2009:

GDP per capita:  less than $100

Unemployment rate:  95%

Public debt as percent of GDP:  282.6% (highest in the world)

Median age:  17.8

Life expectancy at birth:  47.55

Source:  CIA World Factbook.

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