Graph of the Day for July 28, 2010

"Breaking the bank in Maryland has been a bipartisan, multilateral pursuit for years, backed by both parties at the state and local levels alike. When state lawmakers enacted a big increase in teachers' pensions four years ago -- an increase that freighted Annapolis with huge obligations to cover benefits negotiated by local school systems -- the move was pushed by Democrats, signed by a Republican governor, cheered by localities and hailed by then-Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, now the national GOP party chairman.The Washington Post, April 6, 2010.

Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Hoven's Index for July 28, 2010

Mean hourly earnings in private industry:  $20.18

Mean hourly earning in state and local government:  $25.74

Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Graph of the Day Archive.
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