In Obama's Own Words

The pictures and words speak for themselves.  This is a You Tube montage that highlights the 44th President's affinity for Islam. It clearly shows Obama's one-sided allegiance to Islam and his distortions of historical truth.  As time passes, it would serve the Nation well to be reminded of Obama's inclinations.

Please view it before it is removed.

In particular, when Obama references the Muslim contribution to America, and says that he knows, too, that "Islam has always been a part of America's story" he might wish to review the following:

There were no Muslims on the Mayflower. There were no Muslim signatures on the United States Constitution or the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights.

No Muslims fought for America's freedom from England.  However, the country did fight against the forces of Islam in the form of the Barbary pirates.

Two Muslim slaves were brought to America in 1731 but both were returned to Africa.  No Muslims fought during the Civil War to free the slaves in America.  Muslims were, however, slave traders. In fact, to this day, Muslims are still the largest traffickers in human slavery in the world.

Muslims were not visibly present during the Civil Rights era of this country.  There are no pictures or media reports of Muslims walking side by side with Dr. King.

There seems to be no record of any Islamic Americans among the enlisted and conscripted forces of World War I.

Muslims did not figure in the Woman's Suffragette Movement.  Sharia law holds women in a subservient role and honor killings are endemic in the Muslim world.

The great migrations from 1865 to 1925 brought millions of people from Ireland, Great Britain, central Europe, Scandinavian countries, Italy, Eastern Europe and the Balkans to American shores. But the number of Muslims who came here from the Middle East was statistically quite small.

Jefferson, a Founding Father, did possess a copy of the Koran.  He and John Adams, then U.S. Ambassador to Britain, met with Ambassador Abd Al-Rahman in an effort to negotiate a peace treaty with the Barbary Pirates.  These two future Presidents later stated that the Muslim hostility toward America was "founded on the Laws of their Prophet, [and] that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found...."

In World War II, Middle Eastern Muslims aligned themselves with Adolf Hitler.  The Muslim grand mufti Muhammed Amin al-Husseini [there are many spelling variations) as well as Rashid el-Kilani collaborated with the Nazis.  In fact, in his book entitled Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World, author Jeffrey Herf writes that:

"Husseini's involvement with the Muslim SS division, and the division itself, became a point of pride in German Arabic leaflets distributed in the Middle East.  The following text was aimed directly at the Muslim soldiers fighting in Yugoslavia in 1944. ‘Go forth lightly armed and heavily armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of God.  That is best for you if you but knew the Quran al Karim, the struggle against the enemies of Islam who act brutally against Muslims, and who follow...Judaism, is a duty of all Muslims. ‘You will find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to the believers to be the Jews....'"

Finally, Mr. Obama, on September 11, 2001, many Americans had their first introduction to the religion of Islam as they watched in horror as the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Flight 93 were destroyed.  Especially among the Palestinian population, the Muslim world openly rejoiced at the savage attacks and murders.  The moderate Muslims were strangely silent on this day. 

And then on November 5, 2009 a Muslim major shouting the Arabic call to martyrdom slaughtered American soldiers at Fort Hood.  Yet another Muslim contribution to America.                                                                      

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