No, Michelle, obesity isn't the biggest problem of the NAACP's children

While Michelle Obama is busy scamming the all too willing-to-be-scammed NAACP that the greatest threat to our children is...obesity, so the government - not the parents - must encourage our children to move and eat more vegetables. She, and the increasingly irrelevant NAACP, are deliberately ignoring the greatest threat to children and adults--violence.

And most embarrassingly, black on black violence. Apparently Bill Cosby, whose comedic character, Fat Albert, could have explained it all to them was surprisingly not available. Fat Albert, who wouldn't have bothered with such non distractions as the Tea Party but rather would have stressed the importance of parents--emphasis on the plural--and other positive strategies. No wonder he wasn't invited to speak but Michelle, with her message that ever expansive government can solve your victim status, was.

Meanwhile, Saturday, in the ravaged neighborhood less than two miles from the Obamas' mob favorably mortgaged home, desperate residents held another in a series of stop the violence marches and parades led by Obamas' pal, Chicago's mayor, Richard Daley. The result? A few hours later, a 62 year old policeman, on the verge of retiring, was shot to death in a robbery/carjacking as he was working on his car in his uniform in front of his home after returning home from his shift. ..guarding Mayor Daley's home. The mayor pushed through Chicago's strict gun ban that was ruled unconstitutional last month but Chicago has one of the highest per capita rate of murders by guns in the nation.

The murder of a policeman, the third within a few months, overshadowed other gun violence within several miles of Mrs. Obama's neighborhood the past two days;a week end sampling.

Man slain in West Side garage.
15-year old shot .
5 shot - 1 criticially -
in Lawndale
Man shot to death while sitting in car.

ad nauseum.

Last week a teen aged boy was shot at least seven times after pleading for his life. His dying words were
"Tell my mom that I love her."

And the First Lady thinks obesity is a bigger problem?

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