Obama's personal cook made Senior Policy Advisor

President Barack Obama (D) is treating his multi gazillion dollar spend our way out of debt and unemployment stimulus as his own private make work program, tossing taxpayer dollars to favored constituents, such as unions, and to favored areas, such as his home city of Chicago.

And now he's making it even more private, choosing his family's personal cook, Sam Kass, imported from Chicago, as...Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives. As reported  in Judicial Watch, prior to his latest elevation

Michelle Obama made Kass a "Food Initiative Coordinator" for her new healthy nutrition program which is supposed to eliminate childhood obesity within a generation, especially in the nation's inner cities. The First Lady claims that childhood obesity is a threat to national security and a crisis equivalent to AIDS and youth violence.

Because it's such a dire situation, she has convinced her husband's administration to spend $400 million a year to bring "healthy foods" to low-income neighborhoods and $10 billion to revise a decades-old federal measure that already feeds tens of millions of poor children at school for free.

This culinary revolution no doubt requires a trusted senior policy adviser-like Kass-who is an expert in healthy cuisine. The First Lady refers to her cook as a "partner in crime" and says it's "just pretty powerful" to see what started out as talk in her South Side Chicago kitchen turn into a major initiative that "hopefully will change the way we think as a country."

Yes Michelle, "hopefully this will change the way we think as a country" as we tell the government to butt out of our lives and our wallets.

hat tip: Gateway Pundit


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