Son Pleads To Save Mother From Stoning in Iran

Iran loves to kill its own people.  The country, second only to China (population being a factor), executed 388 people last year - most were hanged.  Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, an Iranian woman convicted of adultery, has already received 99 lashes from a whip, five years in prison, and is allegedly scheduled for stoning as early as this weekend. 

Ashtiani's son has pleaded with authorities to spare his mother's life on the grounds that there's no evidence.  Ashtiani's judge sited "judges knowledge" as an explanation for the sentence-a rule allowing judges to sentence without evidence.  As a last resort Ashtiani's son reached out to the international community, in the hopes that his mother's life will be spared.  Explain again how Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution will coexist here in America?  Newsweek has the full story:

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two, convicted of adultery in Iran, may be stoned to death unless a last-minute campaign saves her.

Human-rights campaigners say that Ashtiani, who says she was under duress when she confessed to adultery, could be buried up to her breasts and stoned to death as soon as this weekend. 

Ashtiani has been in prison since May 2006, when she was convicted of adultery and sentenced to 99 lashes. Later that year she was accused of murdering her husband. Those charges were dropped, but an inquiry into the adultery charge was reopened. She was, according to The Guardian, sentenced to death under a rule that allows judges to cite "judge's knowledge" and convict without evidence.

Ashtiani, represented by prominent human-rights lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei, has failed in her appeals. AOL reports that a panel may convene as soon as Saturday to decide her fate. According to Amnesty International, the Iranian penal code specifies that "stones are large enough to cause pain, but not so large as to kill the victim immediately."
God Bless this poor woman, and may her life be spared.  Sharia law is nothing more than cowardly Muslim men committing horrific crimes against women, and doing so in the name of religion, law or whatever-the United States needs to reject this pathetic ‘excuse' for a ‘set-of-laws' and ban it forever. 


Late yesterday, Iranian media reported that Ashitiani will not be stoned to death, although it is unclear whether she has avoided the death penalty altogether.

Josh Jamison lives in Boston, Massachusetts and writes for The Raw Deal

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