This is how the brilliant one thinks?

Speaking with Israeli television, President Obama revealed the depth of his thinking.

"During the interview Wednesday, when confronted with the anxiety that some Israelis feel toward him, Obama said that "some of it may just be the fact that my middle name is Hussein, and that creates suspicion."
To paraphrase that great civil rights leader, DR Martin Luther King Jr, You, Sir, are being judged by the content of your words, not by the sound of your middle name.

This elitist who's "brilliance" is continually touted by the Main Stream Media, is incapable of thinking that those who either disagree or distrust him could possibly have any reason beyond his middle name or the pigmentation of his skin.

It's really sad that this "post racial President" seems to be one of the minority of those who haven't moved beyond their own words. Rather than do his job he judges the perceived pettiness of others not realizing he exposes his own pettiness to be judged by all.

Thomas Lifson adds:

This is nothing more than racial politics. The Israelis supposedly hate Muslims, in Obama's view. They are bigoted against him because of his Muslim heritage. The Israelis have every reason to be suspicious of him, ranging from his incredible rudeness in going to dinner, leaving Netanyahu to cool his heels in their previous meeting, to bowing before the Saudi king.

Gutter poltics.
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