Under Obamacare, abortions will, in fact, be covered

If the federal government is not going to be involved in paying for abortions, then someone better tell the Pennsylvania Insurance Department because they sure as heck think the feds will be covering abortions in their state.

In the latest cover-up attempt by the Obama administration to pretend that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of March 25, 2010 does not offer abortion coverage, the federal government has promised $160 million to Pennsylvania to set up the new insurance program.

Consider this excerpt from page 14 of the "Solicitation for State Proposals to Operate Qualified High-Risk Pools" for the State of Pennsylvania:

Abortions: Includes only abortions and contraceptives that satisfy the requirements of 18 Pa.C.S. § 3204-3206 and 35 P.S. §§10101, 10103-10105.

1. Elective abortions are not covered. Services rendered to treat illness or injuries resulting from an elective abortion are covered.

The word ‘elective' has no substantial meaning other than to throw off anyone not paying attention. The leftist wizards at the helm have once again employed verbal engineering to lie to the public. The ruse is so obvious; they must think we aren't watching.

According to the National Right to Life Committee, who supplied the information about PA setting up a government funded high risk pool for people with pre-existing conditions, the specific statute cited actually says:

that an abortion is legal in Pennsylvania (consistent with Roe v. Wade) if a single physician believes that it is "necessary" based on "all factors (physical, emotional, psychological, familial and the woman's age) relevant to the well-being of the woman." Indeed, the cited statute provides only a single circumstance in which an abortion prior to 24 weeks is NOT permitted under the Pennsylvania statute: "No abortion which is sought solely because of the sex of the unborn child shall be deemed a necessary abortion.

There you have it, America. All that hoopla about signing an executive order to placate the Stupak Democrats, was what we suspected all along. Obama lied.


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