AFL-CIO Employees Demand Administration Remove DHS Immigration Heads

Director Blue's Doug Ross reports a stunning development:

It was unanimous. That is, 259 of 259 representatives of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement arm of the AFL-CIO voted to demand the removal of President Obama's DHS immigration heads. 100%. And, surprisingly, you won't read it in your beloved daily fish wrap.
He notes the Fox report:

In an unprecedented move within the Department of Homeland Security, the detention and removal officers and agents responsible for and sworn to enforcing our nation's immigration laws issued an exhaustive, scathing letter simply titled "VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN ICE DIRECTOR JOHN MORTON AND ODPP ASSISTANT DIRECTOR PHYLLIS COVEN" on June 11, 2010. The letter, acquired through sources, provides a litany of examples of how ICE's mission is being skewed towards supporting an unflinching goal of amnesty by refusing to allow agents to do their job; allowing criminal aliens to roam free; depleting resources for key enforcement initiatives that preceded this administration; and misrepresenting facts and programs, demeaning the extent of the criminal alien problem and geared to support amnesty.

I suppose this can't hurt the Arizona case if anyone in the judiciary is paying attention.

Clarice Feldman

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