Barack Obama, Florida's Newest Tour Guide

The Obama family took yet another "do as I say, not do as I do" trip to the Gulf Coast of Florida.  The goal of the sandy, salt-water adventure was to have Barry don a Speedo, jump into what was promoted as an oil slick, and bob around in "millions of gallons of toxic chemical dispersant" while yelling to onlookers on shore "Come on down, the waters fine." 

One small problem: based on the controlled tightness of the photograph of Sasha and Barry frolicking in what is believed to be formerly-polluted waters, the staged snapshot could have been of the duo submerged in the White House fountain on the South Lawn. In fact, the photo was taken at a private beach, off Alligator Point in St Andrew Bay, in northwest Florida, which "isn't technically in the gulf."

On the trip, the President, unable to restrain himself from giving a campaign speech criticized BP for slow clean up of the same water where he just did an exhibition dog paddle. Obama assured the spellbound crowd of locals that shaking BP down for billions was just the beginning.

The President vowed, "I'm here to tell you that our job is not finished, and we are not going anywhere until it is." Obama continued on, saying "I made a commitment" and I'm going "to stand with you until you have fully recovered from the damage that has been done."

Please God; don't inspire Barry to extend a similar open-ended pledge to America.

The one-day experience also doubled as an opportunity to expose a privileged child to how the other half lives. Michelle, who usually bunks in luxurious quarters, must have decided balancing extravagance with reality is a valuable life lesson.  So, in order to drive home a point, Mom and Dad recreated a humanitarian third world junket and subjected Sasha to the Bay Point Marriott, at $300.00 a night.

During the Panama City-Obama-commitment-to-the-Gulf Coast-overnight-whistle stop-tour the first couple also taught Sasha to play miniature golf.

The roundtable discussion with elected officials and business leaders wasn't the only "table" the Obama's pulled up to on the overnight excursion. As Dems in the House prepared to again cut food stamp money in order to fund "private-citizen" Michelle Obama's $8-billion dollar "Let's Move" nutrition program, the first family were  busy fine dining at Firefly restaurant.

Chef Paul Stellato served the health conscious eaters "tuna appetizer and a course of fried oysters... Michelle Obama [indulged in] lobster, Sasha ...pasta Alfredo and the president ... a New York Strip and shrimp." Dessert was a famous gastronome favorite, crème brûlée.

The first family also took a scenic, educational boat ride where "Obama leaned over the bow of the Bay Point Lady to watch porpoises [swim in the] calm waters of St. Andrews Bay."

As always, no Obama family outing would be complete without visiting at least one ice cream establishment.

After disembarking from the boat tour, the trio stopped by Bruster's Real Ice Cream for "mint chocolate chip for the president, Oreo ... for Sasha, and a hot fudge sundae without whipped cream for [America's "Lets Move"] first lady."

From Bruster's the three, weary, tourism-advocates headed back to DC for fresh garments before leaving for 10-days of well-deserved, affluent whale watching, compliments of Martha's Vineyard.


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