Could Jews Be the Saviors of America?

For most of my adult life I have pondered the seemingly unanswerable, "Why do American Jews go against their own self interests by always voting for Democrats?" American Jews, in contrast to their insignificant population numbers are significantly at the heart and core of American intellectualism, professionalism, and most importantly, entrepreneurism, the engines that drive our capitalist economy. And yet, election after election, these supposedly smart, super achievers vote almost en bloc for Democrats. No group but blacks votes more in lock-step with Democrats than Jews, but blacks can in no way match the social accomplishments of American Jews.

As the decades have passed, the question has become even more baffling as the leftist elements of the Democrat Party, that is, most of it, have become increasingly hostile to Israel and even to American Jewry. We look at election results and we shake our heads, wondering what on earth can these people be thinking when they continue to elect those who bear them such ill will?

True, Jews have always been at the forefront of civil rights issues particularly as those issues regard blacks. But what then do we see in the form of reciprocation from so-called black leaders if it is not growing expressions of anti-Semitism that were they to be espoused by a white of any faith, would be universally condemned. Yet within that black community, so strenuously supported by the Jews, lies a glowing, growing coal of embryonic anti-Semitism which is ripe for fanning into flames of exploitation by Muslim activists.

What brings all this to mind is our President and his predilection (minus his bifurcated blather buddy) for speaking his mind before he engages it. Barack Hussein Obama's clearly stated support for the construction of a mosque at the site of  9/11, Ground Zero, surely must have jolted a few thousand more Jewish liberals into a sense of awakening reality they have long ignored. That is, to borrow from Osama bin Laden, they just may be backing the wrong horse.

To get back to the premise of the title, should that sort of awakening occur among liberal Jews, and should they shift their slavish financial support from Democrats to a more reasoned support of conservative American politicians, we could well see a significant swing of the political pendulum returning America to the sort of sensible, even-handed, middle-of-the-road governance its citizens favor. Even a small shift of that heavy Jewish financial backing to the GOP could well serve to bring Democrats to their senses, enough at least to step back from the abyss, at the bottom of which lie so many failed Marxist dreams and states, and possibly America.

Of course, if their liberal gag reflex absolutely prevents supporting Republicans, America's Jews could shift some of that Democrat Party funding to the many synagogue building funds in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia and most especially, Saudi Arabia.

Take your pick...

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