Durbin breaks with Dean and Reid; supports GZM

Dick Durbin (D-IL), the Majority Whip in the senate and Harry Reid's right hand man, has gone against his boss and his party chairman in advocating that the Ground Zero mosque be built.

The Hill:

The second-ranking Senate Democrat broke ranks with his party's leader this weekend by announcing his support for the Lower Manhattan Islamic center and mosque.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (Ill.) said Sunday that those who are opposed to the mosque are trying to divide the country with fear and hate.

"The mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, has given his assent to this center and I support his decision," Durbin said Sunday. "The politicians like Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin who try to divide America with fear and hate over this issue betray the diversity which makes our nation great and the Constitution which they profess to honor."

No word on why Reid and Dean are trying to "divide America with fear and hate." Apparently, their opposition is based on conscience rather than political calculation.

Except there's no evidence for that. But then, turning matters of conscience into political footballs is what Democrats do for a living so it shouldn't surprise us.

What makes this move by Durbin so unusual is that he has been Reid's loyal "Yes Man" for years. He never gets out front on an issue and is always careful to let Reid take the lead. It could be that Reid felt that at least one member of the Democratic leadership should attack the GOP for their mosque opposition and Durbin, who is not up for re-election, was the logical choice.


Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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