Hell freezes over

Question: What does it take for the lefties to "get religion?"

Answer: A Muslim Imam who espouses anti-American views, who says America was complicit in the 9-11 attack, who says Osama Bin Laden was made in America, who wants America to be Shariah Law compliant, and who is opposed in his plans to build a mosque next to Ground Zero in New York.

Suddenly, the lefties are all sweated up, hyper-ventilating, and running around frantically waving the Constitution in our faces, yelling "freedom of religion, freedom of religion!!"

Never mind that freedom of religion is not at issue; there are, by some estimates about 2,000 mosques in the U.S. including 100 in New York City alone, and there is no evidence of Muslims being prevented from practicing their faith. I have seen a Muslim kneeling on a prayer rug in a nook adjacent to a restroom in a department store in Northern Virginia.

This "freedom of religion" mantra is coming from the same lefties, who, for the last 50 years, have been systematically trying to remove all religious practice from American life; no prayer in public schools or before football games, children being punished for writing an essay about a story in the Bible, or for wearing a T-shirt with a religious message. There are continuing attempts to remove the words "under God" from the pledge of Allegiance, to remove the words "In God We Trust" from coins, and to turn Christmas into a "Holiday Season, or a Winter Festival." They tell us that public displays of crosses and the crèche are offensive. They smirk and sneer when they see people singing "God Bless America."

Now, the lefties are sounding like they have suddenly been injected with a heavy dose of that "good old time religion!"

In another stunning feat of verbal and political Jiu Jitsu, these same lefties who never miss an opportunity to smugly lecture the rest of us that the Constitution is outdated, and that it doesn't mean what it plainly says, have now been transmogrified into strict Constitutionalists.

One of my favorite TV characters from long ago, Gomer Pyle, might ask;

"Shazam!! How did that happen?"

Well, Gomer, it's like this. The lefties find someone who has anti-American views, who proposes ideas such as Sharia Law, which are antithetical to American law and traditions, and who turns his back on the pleas and sensitivities of the vast majority of Americans. They then elevate him to martyrdom status, and if all goes well, from their perspective, he will  eventually be elevated to hero status for standing up to the Nazi, Fascist, racist, bigoted, American people.

The lefties are just doing what the lefties do.

Don't be surprised if  soon you start seeing posters, bumper stickers, and T-shirts with the image of Imam Rauf, and the slogan, "Free Imam Rauf!!"
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