Iranian Holocaust Denial Cartoons

In July 2010 I commented on a fatwa that had been issued against American cartoonist Molly Norris because she drew an unacceptable cartoon of the prophet Muhammad.  She had been named to an execution list by the al-Qaeda online English language magazine. 

The irony is rich when one considers the following site which is indicative of the vile, antisemitic cartoons that emanate from Iran.

They are ugly, dastardly, despicable pieces and illustrate the kind of odium against Jews and Israel that is endemic among the Persian Gulf states.  Recall that in 2005 President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad referred to the Holocaust as a "fairy tale."

There are insufficient words to describe the return of these Nazi-like depictions of Jews. Swastika icons, Jews shown as beak-nosed murderers ~ we have seen this all before.

It is necessary to see the site so you cannot say you did not know.

Once you open the site, push the English sign.

When does this hatred end? 

Why is truth being subverted, distorted and denied?

The chimneys of Auschwitz have stopped functioning but the loathing that led to them is resurfacing in the entire world.

Harmless cartoons ~ hardly.

Eileen can be reached at



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