Judge rules against embryonic stem cell research

A judge has issued a ruling against embryonic stem cell research.  Before the "science before ideology" morons commence another campaign of misinformation (see global warming, the multiplier effect and experts supporting the drilling ban), let's review some facts.

Embryonic stem cell research is the Obamacrat "science" gold standard.  Yet, unlike the other viable stem cell options, it does not work, has cured no diseases, actually causes tissue concentrations and tumors, is often rejected by the patient and comes with extreme ethical difficulties.  The claims of embryonic stem cell cures for the paralyzed or those with Alzheimer's are scandalous lies. 

However, there are a number of alternatives to the destruction of embryos that are more effective, including the creation of pluripotent stem cells from adults, skin cells and other sources. These come with no rejection problems and have already been therapeutically successful in cases of heart disease, Crohn's disease, thalassemia and skin diseases.  Despite this, Obamacrats have once again erred in favor of something other than facts and scientific results, heaping not only praise but federal research dollars on this flawed clinical methodology.  Nowhere else in science can we find such a mismatch of acclaim and results. 

The distorting role media plays in promoting junk science, as it has here, does not absolve our leaders from making well-founded policies particularly when the facts are so readily available.  Maybe "the days of science taking a backseat to ideology" will end soon. 


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