Lenin's 'useful idiots' in the mosque debate

Lenin's concept of the "useful idiot" is alive and well in the current mosque debate. By such a description he means the members of a (western) society who allow themselves to be naively manipulated to work against the best interest of their own political institutions and society, and conversely for the benefit of Lenin's objectives. Andrew McCarthy has detailed in National Review how the mosque debate is one of traditional American Muslims, and their more moderate beliefs, with those of the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliate organizations who represent a more aggressive Wahhabi , Sharia law based belief system. The organizers of this Mosque have given us no reassurance that the latter is not who, in fact, they represent.

This does not stop our political leaders and media pundits from weighing in and using our own principles against us. Yes, we have freedom of religion ,and yes, anyone can pray and preach on that particular corner in Manhattan, but no, you can't build an edifice that celebrates a victory over us; an attack which ultimately destroyed 3000 lives, some making the horrifying decision to leap 100 stories to death, rather than being consumed in fire. The fact that Muhammad Atta's (the lead hijacker and radical Islam hero ) plane lost its landing gear in the attack, onto the Burlington Coat Factory(site of the proposed Mosque). This coincidence is not easily dismissed, as the proponents seem unable to lose their focus on this particular site. No, sorry, put it somewhere else.

On Fox,liberal analyst Ellis Henican, dripping with elitism and condescension, states that people in his Manhattan neighborhood , near Ground Zero , generally have no problem with the Mosque (clearly sophisticates all) , while those in Idaho, no-doubt , oppose it by 99% (clearly rubes to the core). Yet, I would bet that the proportion of people in Idaho who went down and volunteered for military service after 9/11, or served in Afghanistan or Iraq , was a tad higher than the "best and brightest" living amongst old Ellis.

Yes, Lenin, is smiling.....somewhere.

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