Louisianans give Bush higher marks than Obama on disaster response

In a fruitless quest to change the subject from Obama's failures, the liberal media, particularly NBC and MSNBC, are having an orgy today of Hurricane Katrina retrospectives on the fifth anniversary of the disaster. The obvious subtext is that George W. Bush was an incompetent president, worse than Obama. However, the people of Louisiana are not buying the narrative.  Bruce Drake writes in Politics Daily:

As the five year anniversary again summons up memories of Katrina's devastation of the Gulf Coast, Louisiana voters are giving higher marks to former President George Bush for handling of the storm's aftermath and dealing with crisis than they do for President Obama's handling of the BP oil spill, according to a Public Policy Polling survey conducted Aug. 21-22.

Fifty-four percent say Bush has done a better job in "helping Louisiana to deal with crisis" while 34 percent give more credit to Obama. Thirteen percent are undecided.

The leftist media's contortions to demean conservatives and support liberals have become self-parodies, convincing nobody but the already committed liberal left -- roughly twenty percent of the population.

Hat tip Lucianne.com
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