Stabbing Psycho Driven By Racial Hatred?

When the Hartford beer distributor massacre took nine lives, including the mass murderer himself, the specter of racial hatred was ignored in initial press reports.  But 911 emergency calls by the murderer himself proved his motive was based on nothing more than the race of his victims.  Psychotic murders do not need a motive. Race may have obsessed this particular sick animal, but we can be assured the victims did not care who or why they were being gunned down.

The national media seemed to pivot to another story almost on cue.  There was a rash of seemingly racial murders of black men by a white man.  This white serial stabber seemed to be seeking out black men with a vengeance we were told.  Police even had a sketch showing an ominous looking baseball hat wearing bubba. The fact he was white and his victims were black was what interested the media. Here is an account of the matter posted at NPR, "Bubba" police sketch & all:

"Racial hatred is presumed to be the motive in the attacks," NPR assured us.  The Philadelphia Daily News: "Serial killer targets black men, say cops in Mich., Va., Ohio."

But this was not true.  Investigators were not certain at all that these were racially motivated murders or murders of convenience.  The area where the murders occurred just happened to be areas with high populations of blacks.  Flint, Michigan is also the home to a large Arab population.

Now we know that Elias Abuelazam stabbed white victims when he moved away from the predominately black neighborhood he lived in.  One thing we do know for sure, all of Abuelazam's victims were Americans.  All the victims were not black, the "white Israeli" citizen was trying to flee back to Israel.  Perhaps we should describe the 9/11 hijackers as "white Saudi Arabian" citizens.  And the Israel to which Abuelazam was fleeing to happens to be a mixed country of Jews and Arabs.

While white on black mass murders are virtually non-existent, it should also be noted that black on white mass murders are virtually non-existent in America too.  Americans do not engage in racially based ethnic cleansing.  But we do know a group that does engage in this psychopathic behavior; radical Muslim men fancying themselves as Allah's soldiers in a jihad against the west.

N. Kerman writes:

Even after his name was known (clearly not a Jewish name), that he had an Arab boss, lived in a predominantly Arab Israeli town, even today, most of the mainstream media still have not mentioned that he is an Arab or that he is a Christian Israeli -- not even the media that is generally more pro-Israel.  This is truly political correctness run amok.  If the perpetrator had been an Orthodox Jew, is there any doubt that fact would have been emblazoned in bold letters?
Yesterday a local Flint newspaper wrote about the Arab community being shocked that one of their own would do this.  So it was already known yesterday that he was an Arab.  I don't expect any fairness from the NY Times, but from Fox News or NY Post? AT and other Conservative sites did not bother to mention this disturbing omission.
I just did a quick check and the following did not mention he was a Christian and/or Arab:

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