Suggestion for keynote speaker at 2012 Democratic convention

Our media has done its best to hide the political affiliation of the public employees of Bell California-one of the State's poorest communities,while at the same time having its highest paid "public servants". Robert Rizzo, the city manager, made nearly $800,000 last year, and reports are surfacing that the real total could be double that. Ann Coulter, in a recent column, confirms what we all took for granted--they are, indeed, Democrats. Not that the media haven't done their best; Coulter reports that of 300 articles about these city executives, only one mentions their "D" affiliation.

I propose it is time these public officials be appropriately recognized. They must stand up , and be the "loud and proud" Democrats they are. Their bright lights should not be hidden under any sort of basket. They have embraced the tenants of the modern Democratic Party, and have acted in an exemplary manner putting these principles into action. To wit: Me... Me...Me--all at the public trough.

Because of his outstanding leadership role in this whole affair, Robert Rizzo, formerly of Bell California, be given the honor of keynote speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Who better than Rizzo could express the hopes and dreams of his part, and the majority of its members.

Furthermore , on the last night of the convention, after Barack Obama is renominated , the traditional balloons are replaced with paper airplanes. Well, not airplanes as such, but little paper "seagulls". As the Spanish mariachi band kicks in, and Barack and Michelle start to smile and wave, the seagulls are released . Just like they did in Pixar's Nemo , the PA system shouts : "Mine..Mine..Mine." Now that would be a Democrat Convention that would make the traditional party"platform" irrelevant.


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