The Media Left Thinks Beck Rally Was Political; They're Wrong

Staying true to their leftist playbook, Media Matters, a George Soros backed Democrat watchdog group, held Glenn Beck accountable to the Restoring Honor Rally's intention to remain non-political. MM titled a post yesterday rebutting the premise:

"Non-political"? Alveda King attacks "womb war," same-sex marriage, promotes prayer in public schools

Of course, Dr. Alveda King, a niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. and a pastoral consultant for the Priests for Life, has had her share of vitriol from a high percentage of black America, and her own extended family since she tows a pro-life line.  She's been speaking the truth for many years about the disproportionate number of black babies being killed in the womb when compared to other races.

The nasty attacks by the Left on King's character show they're really against those with a sense of morality. To the Left, everything is "political," but to all others, there are a variety of ways to live one's life: religion, morals, common sense, and virtues.

Media Matters, and others of their ilk, believes that saving babies from abortion, praying in schools and keeping the meaning of marriage to a union between one man and one woman are all political issues. They're not; but leftists and politicians use these as footballs in gaining power and votes, thereby drawing these essentially moral issues into the debate.

Headlines from other leftist media outlets attacked the rally on the Mall with the gusto of a Roman candle that turned out to be a dud. They literally had nothing but lame comebacks because Beck's program produced exactly the same message he's been hyping the last six months-America must return to its Christian roots in order to once again enjoy the freedoms which are uniquely hers.

Many speakers who stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial invoked the name of Jesus Christ. If this rally was anything, it was an unashamed witness by every day American citizens that Christianity holds the antidote to the ills experienced by society.
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