US taxpayers funding mosques

My American Thinker blog of August 8th asked how extensively American taxpayers are funding mosque construction around the globe, as revealed by Newsweek columnist Fareed Zakaria. Some disturbing answers have now come from Caroline May's well researched article in the The Daily Caller.

May writes,

Just a cursory search of the term "mosque" on the State Department's list of "projects" reveals 26 examples of federal funds going to fund construction, renovation, and rehabilitation of various mosques abroad. The benefiting countries include Bulgaria, Pakistan, Mali, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Benin, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Egypt, Tunisia, the Maldives, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Serbia and Montenegro.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has also spent millions reconstructing and financing multiple mosques in Cairo and Cyprus, as well as providing computers for imams in Tajikistan and Mali.

This aberrant spending policy can be best construed as dhimmitude.
Bat Ye'or, the brilliant Egyptian born writer defines dihmmitude.

... it represents a behavior dictated by fear (terrorism), pacifism when aggressed, rather than resistance, servility because of cowardice and vulnerability. The origin of this concept is to be found in the condition of the Infidel people who submit to the Islamic rule without fighting in order to avoid the onslaught of jihad. By their peaceful surrender to the Islamic army, they obtained the security for their life, belongings and religion, but they had to accept a condition of inferiority, spoliation and humiliation.

Doesn't this description eerily dovetail with the Obama's Administration conduct toward the Islamic world?

The chattering political elites, efficiently herded by the Soros/ Obama media complex, have deliberately roiled Main Street America with their confabulations about the incredulous Ground Zero Mosque and Disneyland's banning of the hijab.  All this has been done to convince us that America is a racist and Islamaphobic nation.  Just check out the Time's lead story this week. The media spin du jour has become easily predictable; we now deal with Pravda on the Potomac, this Administrations odious and vile attempts to channel our honest passions and thoughts. 

So why has all thing Islam become topic number one of the MSM this week? Primarily as a light hearted distraction from massive and systemic failures of this Administration; the $14 trillion dollar deficits, chronic long term unemployment, higher taxes, death panels, oil drilling moratoriums, suicidal defense cuts, and bloated government bureaucracies. Also there is an election in 70 days.
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