Gitmo detainees to be tortured by giving them only one scoop of ice cream

Oh! The humanity of it!

Detainees' diets at Guantanamo Bay have been a controversial issue for some time and now the U.S. prison is said to be rationing ice cream.

The frozen dessert is allegedly being tightly measured, with only one ice cream allowed for each of its 147 detainees.

Journalist for The Miami Herald, Carol Rosenberg, photographed a refrigerator at Guantanamo, with two signs reading ‘DETAINEE FOOD ONLY' and ‘Only 1 Ice Cream For each detainee!'

Makes me ashamed to be an American. Ms. Rosenberg will probably receive a Pulitzer Prize for ferreting out this monstrous regulation.

Is there no decency left? The least we can do is make that a scoop of Spumoni so that the gentle souls so cruelly locked up can have a little variety in their lives.

No word whether cones have been banned as well. If they are, the international outcry against us might be too much to bear.

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