Imam Rauf's goodwill tour part II

Now that Imam Rauf is back from his goodwill tour across the Middle East, I have a quick question for him.  Is the bridge he's building a one-way street or a two-way street? 

If it's a two-way street promoting religious tolerance, then I can only assume he'll be packing soon for a goodwill tour part II.  After all, there are a few other places to extend that ever-talked-about bridge in order to further spread his message of religious tolerance.

Stop one:  Gaza.  Perhaps Imam Rauf could tell the women in Gaza that it's not a good idea for them to celebrate and pass out candy to children upon hearing that Hamas murdered four Jews.  And while he's at it perhaps he could tell Hamas to become a little more tolerant of the Jews' existence.

Stop two: Jerusalem.  The Imam could set-up a charity for the eight Jewish children who were orphaned after their parents were murdered by Hamas.  It's likely the Imam  has many oil-rich, moderate Muslim friends who would jump at the chance of making a statement against terrorism by supporting the victims of terror. 

While in Jerusalem, the Imam could also check on the status of the planned Jewish "community center," that Jews want to build on the Temple Mount.  After all, there can never be too many places of worship or community centers.  However, until Park Project 5771 in Jerusalem is complete, the Imam could at least go to bat for Jews who are not allowed to pray on the Temple Mount.

Stop three: Iraq.  I feel certain that the Christian women and young girls in Iraq, who are being systematically raped by Muslims, would welcome the Imam speaking about religious tolerance on their behalf.

Stops four, five, and six: Algeria, Nigeria, and India.  The Imam could use his quiet, hypnotic voice to coax the Muslims in these countries to show more religious tolerance by putting down their machetes and matches and quit hacking Christians and Hindus to death or burning them alive.

Stop seven: Australia.  While there, the Imam could tell his fellow Muslim spiritual leader, Feiz Muhammad, that calling for the beheading of Geert Wilders was not very nice.

Stop eight: California.  At UC Irvine, the Imam could apologize to Jewish students for all the anti-Semitic rants given on campus by speakers sponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood.  He could then explain to his Muslim brothers how anti-Semitic rants undermine brotherhood.

Stop nine: Texas.  At Fort Hood the Imam could apologize that a fellow Koran-reading Muslim murdered thirteen Americans.  While there, the Imam might also try explaining why the shooter allegedly shouted "Allahu Akbar!" before committing the murders.

Last stop:  New York City.  In NYC, the Imam could hang his head in shame and admit that there are far too many other places in the world where a center to promote religious tolerance is needed.
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