Obama's aunt: 'You have the obligation to make me a citizen'

Quiet everyone, the president's aunt has spoken:

"If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen."

Unfortunately the president hasn't had the time to inform his illegal alien aunt of our obligations, so I'll do it for him. We the People have an obligation to take care of ourselves and our families, and to serve our God, not to subsidize the living expenses of illegal immigrants and ultimately provide them with an undeserved path to citizenship.

As it stands, we have more than enough of an entitlement populace in this country and as much as that alone is hurting us as a nation, at least we can say their allegiance is to this country and their presence here is legal -either by birth or legal immigration.

The last thing we need is more "Auntie Zeitunis" showing up from all over the world wearing "Gimme" t-shirts and proclaiming what our obligations as real Americans are to them.

We owe you nada.

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