Quran burning slated for Wyoming

A burning of the Quran is to take place Saturday morning, not in New York City or Florida, but in far away fly-over country on the steps of the Wyoming Capitol building in historic downtown Cheyenne.  WyomingTribuneEagle News.com reports that  Wyoming Tyranny Response Team president Duncan Philip:

will protest the location of a proposed Islamic Center near Ground Zero in New York City. He also will protest President Barack Obama's support for the location.

"I feel Obama is being disingenuous when he pretends he supports religious liberties," Philip said. "(The Muslims) are not building that mosque out of love for my culture or love of the victims of 9-11 but for political reasons."

Philip's organization says it is dedicated to the embodiment of man's desire for freedom. His members will not be the only ones attending the Quran burning. Cheyenne Muslim Mohammed Salih will be there, too, with Unitarian Universalist Church members. 

Meanwhile, members of Unitarian Universalist Church also plan to walk from their church to the Capitol on Saturday. 

They will gather in response to a Florida pastor who plans to burn more than 200 copies of the Quran, said the Rev. Dana Lightsey of the church. T

heir participation is part of a nationwide effort called "Standing on the Side of Love with our Muslim Brothers and Sisters." 

Church members will speak about the "importance of tolerance and caring for our brothers and sisters of all different faiths," Lightsey said.
Local Muslim Mohammed Salih told reporters, 

If the two groups cross paths, "maybe we'll take them to lunch or something," said Mohammed Salih. 
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