Thomas Sowell's Pessimism

Last Tuesday, Dr. Thomas Sowell was interviewed on The Rush Limbaugh Show by Walter Williams, who was serving as guest host.  During this interview, Williams inquired about Sowell's opinion of direction that America is heading in . "Are you optimistic or pessimistic?"  Williams asked. "Pessimistic, and I am fighting off becoming despairing," replied Sowell. [1] 

Sowell's words should not be taken lightly. As a recent Investor's Business Daily editorial about Sowell said, "Doomsters are a dime a dozen. But when a leading economist who's been called "the nation's greatest contemporary philosopher" sees serious trouble ahead, we'd better listen up."   

The editorial went on to explain:

Sowell sees the national equivalent of a "perfect storm," a gathering of "dangerous forces (that) have been building .. . for at least a half-century."  

Yes, he says, our great nation has weathered many storms. But, he quickly notes, so did the Roman Empire before it collapsed. "Is that where America is headed?" Sowell asks upfront. "I believe it is. Our only saving grace is that we are not there yet - and that nothing is inevitable until it happens."......

The Obama administration "is not the root cause of the ominous dangers that face this country at home and aboard," Sowell says. But "it is the embodiment, the personification and the culmination of dangerous trends that began decades ago. Moreover, it has escalated those dangers to what may be a point of no return."

Sowell has recognized the danger of Obama's radicalism and has been sounding the alarm for over the past year. 

After the Obamacare bill was passed in March, Sowell wrote:  
"The ruthless and corrupt way this bill was forced through Congress on a party-line vote, and in defiance of public opinion, provides a roadmap for how other "historic" changes can be imposed by Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. What will it matter if Obama's current approval rating is below 50 percent among the current voting public, if he can ram through new legislation to create millions of new voters by granting citizenship to illegal immigrants? That could be enough to make him a two-term president, in which case he could appoint enough Supreme Court justices to rubber-stamp further extensions of his power."

Back in October of 2009, Sowell published his timely column "Dismantling America", which begins by asking :  
"Just one year ago, would you have believed that an unelected government official, not even a cabinet member confirmed by the Senate but simply one of the many "czars" appointed by the president, could arbitrarily cut the pay of executives in private businesses by 50 percent or 90 percent?  

Did you think that another "czar" would be talking about restricting talk radio? That there would be plans afloat to subsidize newspapers - that is, to create a situation where some newspapers' survival would depend on the government's liking what they publish?  

Did you imagine that anyone would even be talking about having a panel of so-called "experts" deciding who could and could not get life-saving medical treatments? ...   ...Does any of this sound like America?"

When Rush Limbaugh read this column, he told listeners on his radio program:
"People ask me all the time, "Rush, you'll tell us when it's time to panic, right?" I say, "Yeah, and it's not time to panic." But I have just finished a column by Thomas Sowell that strikes me as somewhat remarkable. There should not be any doubt with Americans interested in the truth about who Barack Obama is and what he represents, it's become clear, surreal clear. Dr. Thomas Sowell, a brilliant, accomplished man, a distinguished gentleman. When distinguished gentlemen, distinguished Americans such as Thomas Sowell think and write as he has in his latest column, it's time to stop gathering evidence about Obama's character and do anything within the boundaries of the law to stop his agenda." [2]
After the midterm elections, it will be absolutely crucial that the projected conservative majority in the House (and possibly the Senate) act on Rush's words and truly "do anything within the boundaries of the law to stop his [Obama's]  agenda"; so that our country does not slip past the "point of no return."

Dr. Sowell is pessimistic because understands that America is facing more than just an incompetent, rookie politician who was swept into the White House nearly two years ago. He realizes that Obama and his administration are "the embodiment, the personification and the culmination of dangerous trends that began decades ago." As he insightfully points out,  " That such an administration could be elected in the first place...speaks volumes about the inadequacies of our educational system and the degeneration of our culture."  Sowell's warnings are indeed sobering; and it is important that they are not overlooked amidst the soaring optimism over the prospect of a major conservative victory in November. Taking back the congress will only be the first step in stopping the dismantling of America.  


[1] "Audio: Dr. Sowell interview" (quote begins approximately 16:20 minutes into the interview)  Tuesday, August 24, 2010, Rush (page only available with "Rush 24/7" membership)

"Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page, October 28, 2009, Story #6: Dr. Thomas Sowell: Obama is Dismantling America" Rush ("24/7" member access only)
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