15 Signs of Our Obama Times

Late last week news broke that months ago -- back on May 13th -- the Department of Homeland Security had alerted certain Arizona sheriffs that the Mexican Guzman  (aka Sinaloa) Drug Cartel had decided to send a strike force of military-trained, "very well-equipped and armed" operatives into the Vekol Valley area of Pinal County, Arizona to find and kill bandits who conduct ambushes along drug transport routes in that area, stealing cargos of cocaine, marijuana and heroin from the Mexican drug lords.

That is, only some 30 miles from Phoenix an invading foreign paramilitary force would be conducting a commando campaign on American soil to provide safe passage protection for its smugglers.

Homeland Security stated in its May 13th alert to Arizona law enforcement that its information was "from a proven credible confidential source."

Now, reports the Washington Times, Homeland Security says its own warnings about Mexican paramilitary assassins conducting operations within Arizona may be "inaccurate."

Of course we cannot fault the Obama/Janet Napolitano Department of Homeland Security for alerting appropriate local law enforcement officials to what her department believed was reliable intelligence information.

And, in all fairness, every agency -- even a well-led, well-run, one - sometimes later learns and has to admit that what it thought was accurate information was, in fact, inaccurate.

But lest anyone suffer under the misimpression that we are in anything even remotely approaching competent hands with the gang in Washington who are currently handling such matters, just consider what action the Obama Administration took when it thought this intelligence was accurate.

They ignored a request from Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu to send in a few thousand troops rather than just leaving it all to him and his outgunned local department to cope with.  "This is not just a public safety issue," he correctly points out, "it's a national security issue."

To meet what they thought was a clear and present danger of having one of the most powerful and dangerous Mexican drug cartels conducting commando campaign operations on US soil, the Obama Administration instead opted to try their customary "hope and change" approach.

So they called in the Bureau of Land Management of the US Department of the Interior. 

The Bureau produced 15 signs and erected them along a 60-mile stretch of Interstate 8 in the Vekol Valley area.

The billboard-size signs informed travelers that they were entering an "active drug-and human-smuggling area."

The signs alerted drivers and passengers that they might encounter "armed criminals" and "smuggling vehicles traveling at high rates of speed."

Really, that's the action the Obama Administration took!         

I'm thinking it won't be long before it occurs to them to really show Al Qaeda by unleashing against them the Bureau of Land Management and its elite strike force of sign makers.
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