Ahmadinejad thanks the pope; why not Obama?

BBC News just reported that Iran's President Ahmadinejad wrote the Pope and thanked him for condemning the recent plan to burn Korans in Florida.

President Obama will be upset to learn that Ahmadinejad didn't thank him as well. After all, he also condemned the plan to burn Korans, even though Pastor Jones was perfectly free under U.S. law to burn them if he saw fit. Obama's condemnation was a failure to defend Jones's right to freedom of expression and a violation of his oath of office. You know, the bit about defending and protecting the Constitution of the United States. The least Ahmadinejad could do is thank him too.

Actually, if Ahmadinejad wants to be thankful for anything he should be thankful that President Obama is feckless and weak and doesn't have the sense or strength to prevent Iran from developing and possessing nuclear weapons.

Maybe he'll write write a thank you note after he gets the bomb in his hands. Obama will no doubt appreciate it if he does.

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