American Soldiers (a poem)

As our forefathers declared independence on our fertile land,

You led the battle against tyranny through God's helping hand.

When summoned to bestow its people with unalienable rights,

Unwavering in love of country, you answered the call to fight.

From sea to shining sea, to countless foreign lands abroard,

Marching in cadence and carrying your mighty sword.

From age to age, you proudly stood by Ole Glory's side

Protecting liberty and freedom with inexhaustible stride.

Generations have passed and many wars have pursued,

On hand to protect America with a self-sacrificing attitude.

You keep alive the hope of our nation's ongoing dream...

Our freedom, we the people embrace with utmost esteem.

There is no greater love than to lay down one's own life

While defending our liberties threatened by foreign strife.

Known from our beginnings and as America grows older,

You are our brave heroes...our beloved American Soldiers.

E.D. Waller's son is currently the commanding officer of the 1221st Engineer Clearance Company SC National Guard and is presently in Afghanistan
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