Carville may be regretting his most famous phrase

You can file this one either in the, "Just Too Rich for Words," or the, "How Do You Spell Irony?"categories. James Carville, who famously created the Bill Clinton campaign catch phrase,              "It's the economy stupid," is quoted today at Politico:

"It's gotta feel good to get out of the fetal position," said former Bill Clinton adviser James Carville. "You have to try something, right? You can't just talk about the economy.

Carville is referring to the Democrats' desperation attack ads accusing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of accepting donations from foreign members to be used in campaign ads for the Chamber's favored Republican candidates. The opening sentence of the Politico article refers to this last-ditch move by the Dems as "The Spaghetti Strategy" of throwing everything at the wall to see if any of it sticks.

Seeing Carville desperate and eating his own famous words is just too rich.
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