Did Steny Hoyer punch his Republican opponent?

In Maryland's Fifth Congressional District, long-time incumbent congressman and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer attended a forum with Republican challenger Charles Lollar on Monday, October 18th.  You can see from the first video that Hoyer wasn't pleased with Lollar's response to the current question (starts at 2:47 in the video). In fact, Hoyer has some words with Lollar that are inaudible because Hoyer's microphone is off.

Later that day I received word from someone in attendance that after the forum concluded Hoyer punched Lollar in the back.  The person said that Lollar turned to Hoyer and brushed it off.  Once again Hoyer punched Lollar in the back and Lollar turned and the two exchanged words. Lollar held a press conference on Tuesday October 19th where a reporter who witnessed Hoyer punching Lollar questions Lollar about the incident.  Lollar indeed confirmed Hoyer punched him, not once, but twice.  And in the exchange Hoyer said to Lollar, "I'm coming after you." 

The question from the reporter starts at 4:55 into the video.  Also, notice how Lollar responds to the situation. 

Indeed, as Lollar put it, "Desperate times call for desperate actions." 

Please visit the Lollar for Congress website at http://www.lollarforcongress.com/.  Mr. Lollar is a business executive, Major in the United States Marine Corp Reserves, served his country in the USMC where he was on active duty in Kosovo, and is the father of four girls and a devoted husband.  Mr. Lollar serves on the executive board of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the D.C. Chamber of Commerce.  Additionally, Mr. Lollar served as the Chairman of the Charles County Republican Central Committee and as Chairman of the Maryland GOP Taxpayers Commission.
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