Fox News made him do it

Byron Williams is a 45-year old deranged felon. Last summer, he tried (and thankfully failed) to kill a lot of police officers.

Why did he do this? The Media Matters website is reporting that -- you guessed it -- we can blame Fox News and Glenn Beck! The article is entitled "Progressive Hunter" and carries the byline "How the right-wing media and Glenn Beck's chalkboard drove Byron Williams to plot assassination."

Well, gee, everyone who's politically to the right of the staff at Media Matters must be a deranged, dangerous right-wing zealot.

I suppose this works in reverse. Remember Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist would-be professor who killed her colleagues? She was a dyed-in-the-wool Obama supporter. Did MSNBC make her kill her colleagues? What about Omar Thornton, the racist who killed people at his former workplace and blamed "discrimination." Did Al Sharpton drive him to do this?

I guess everyone who's politically to the left of Rush Limbaugh must be a depraved, dangerous leftist lunatic

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