Kaine: Dems not running from ObamaCare

Another "Baghdad Bob" moment for the Dems with their party chairman going on air and assuring us that Democratic candidates are not running away from their votes on ObamaCare:

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine contends most of his party's congressional candidates aren't running away from President Barack Obama's landmark health care reform law, even though many are silent about the issue and some have even taken out ads against it.
"The number of Democrats I am campaigning with who are distancing themselves from health care is very small," Kaine said on ABC's "This Week" program Sunday. "The vast majority of Democrats I campaign with are very proud of the health care accomplishment."

Sure they are Tim. That statement is right up there with "There are no American soldiers in Baghdad" and other famous utterances by Baghdad Bob during the war.

Contradicting reality is why the Dems are going to get trounced on November 2.

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