Mike Pence signals possible presidential run

One of my all-time favorite Congressman, Mike Pence (R-Indiana), may be contemplating a run for the Presidency.

From Politico:
House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (Ind.) is considering stepping down from his post in the GOP leadership in preparation for a possible bid for president or governor in 2012.

Pence, a darling of the conservative movement, would leave the leadership job with a blunt explanation to colleagues that he can't commit to a two-year term in House leadership, a source familiar with his deliberations told POLITICO Tuesday.

Pence believes it would be inappropriate to stay at the GOP conference post - the no. 3 spot in the House Republican hierarchy - unless he could stay through 2012, the source said. Pence also believes that he can be a more effective conservative voice if he is free of the responsibilities that he would have in leadership of a House Republican majority.

The report notes that Congressman Pence won the presidential straw poll at the recent Values Voter Summit; he is a favorite of conservatives and also early on welcomed the rise of the Tea Party movement, becoming the second member of the House to become part of the Tea Party caucus (Congresswoman Michelle Bachman of Minnesota was the founder). There was quite a buzz that he might try to run for the Senate when Evan Bayh resigned; he decided to keep to the sidelines and Dan Coats now looks destined to win the seat and flip it to the Republican column.

Mike Pence -- a genial and smart politician -- has had the rare ability to appeal both to many in establishment Republican Party as well as Tea Party followers and their sympathizers. As noted above, he may also run for Governor of Indiana when its popular and successful Governor, Mitch Daniels, becomes term-limited in 2012 (Daniels has also been rumored as a potential Presidential candidate in 2012).

He has earned a lot of goodwill in Indiana among other candidates for office there as he has spent a lot of time and effort campaigning for them. He has statewide recognition -having hosted a statewide radio talk show for years; his national prominence has also enhanced his appeal.  Indiana has been receptive to pro-growth policies-the same policies Pence has been proposing for years-from his radio show, his presidency of a state think tank, and his post as a leader among Republicans in Congress.

Should Pence run for Governor, this might be a step for an eventual Presidential run. Voters are looking for candidates with executive experience-charisma (that Pence has plenty of) may not be enough -given the current office holder. Indiana has been solidly run and Pence would inherit a state that has a promising future-giving him a bit of a boost right off the bat.

Two  of my columns on Mike Pence: http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/06/mike_pence_and_the_winning_bac.html  http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/09/the_mike_pence_i_know.html
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