Scary Halloween

2008 Chapter 1 - Observation

Halloween is near and it's scary here

As I roll into Washington D.C

Politicians are out, exercising their clout

Unashamed, for all to see.

"We're headed for hell if we don't pass this bill"

Was their frantic anxious scream

So they took out the fork and loaded some pork

To gather the pigs to the team

Maverick McCain vowed, "I‘ll change the game

I will veto all bills loaded up"

The bailout came by with a load from the sty

He marked ‘yes' and dropped in the cup

Barack is in lock with the democrat stock

What we need are more taxes, you see

"Tax em' to hell  - "That'll be swell

Then we'll go on a spending spree"

The people have spoken  - The system is broken

Damn Politicians have their nerve

But we vote em' there, and so I will swear

We get exactly what we deserve

Decorations are out as I look about

Tombstones, coffins, a scary figure masked

Will our constitution survive or be buried alive

Is a question I think should be asked


2009 Chapter 2 - Makes me blue

A full year has spun and Obama has won

And yet the corruption has spread

ACORN is funny and stimulus money

Has been doled out to the dead

Clunkers and health for spreading the wealth

Are now the things that we hear

We have emptied the store and they still want more

And bankruptcy is now a real fear

Government has grown by ‘The One' on the throne

At an increasingly frantic pace

I think I should mention - we should pay attention

Lest we be crowded out of our space

Do we now give thanks that we own the banks

And the business of building the cars

Are we led by the nose as we sleepily doze

Is freedom slipping away to the Czars

Nikita pounded his shoe -said ‘We'll bury you

We will do it by working within"

The media blight is now far left of right

We should be aware of the spin

Esau the fool traded birthright for gruel

Therein is lesson to be learned

Will there come a day we give the Constitution away

In exchange for mere tax dollars returned

Let us rise from the grime - I think we have time

To escape the corruption I see

If we just use our brain to get out of the rain

Would you like to join me for tea


2010 Chapter 3 -We shall see ........ ?

A year and half spent now in our descent

Where will we go from here

Soon we will know which way we will go

Mid term elections are near

Will we continue on down until we all drown

In a rising tide of debt

Or would it be wise to lift up our eyes 

And deal with the looming threat

Voters will choose who will win or will loose

Important decisions are made

We are in it together through the rough weather

Let us stand up and be not afraid

Will we choose to be wed to the world instead

Of living as if we are free

Will we continue this road as if we are towed

Until bound as though to a tree

As for me I implore to vote for the score

Who will reverse the direction we tread

Keep our constitution in force and continue the course

For which many have fought and bled

Many are those who will side with our foes

And would throw our lifestyle away

They could live as though proud to be one of the crowd

Taken care of day after day.

It has now become clear, the time is now near

Will it be a hit or a miss

Will we pull up our boots and get back to our roots

Or continue into the abyss
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