The President's Prophetic Podium

Powerful feminist and successful-female advocate President Obama was the featured guest speaker at a Fortune Magazine Most Powerful Women of 2010 conference.  Obama was speaking when a prophetic incident interrupted the President’s comments on the economy, a subject the man obviously knows nothing about.

Positioned between two perfectly aligned Teleprompters, the Presidential seal inexplicably hit the floor with the same velocity as the collapse of the financial future of America since the man at the lectern took office.  The reason for the flying logo remains a mystery and cannot be blamed on Obama swatting away flies from his face, as there were no observable insects in the banquet hall.

The President’s response: “Whoops… Was that my, uh--?”

The audience nervously giggled as Obama joked about the accident in much the same way he often makes light of the dire situation the nation is in thanks to his abysmal leadership style.

Because even Presidential seals plummeting to the floor are all about Obama, the President then said: “Oh, goodness. That’s all right. All of you know who I am.”

Then Barack Obama, true to form, did what he does best.  The President blamed someone else for the mishap, saying: “But I’m sure there’s somebody back there that’s really nervous right now.  Don’t ya think? They’re sweating bullets back there right now.” 

Based on the predictive nature of the message being sent by a Presidential seal voluntarily disassociating itself from a President, it’s probably Obama, not some 20 year-old handler that should be sweating bullets.

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